Transportation in Columbus

Dublin Core


Transportation in Columbus

Collection Items

The Great Hopewell Road
The Hopewell Culture people built this 60-mile road from ceremonial sites near present-day Chillicothe to the Octagon Earthworks near Newark between 100 and 500 BCE.

John Melish Map
John Melish created this map of Ohio around 1812. The land office districts in Ohio, including the Virginia Military District, the Ohio Company and the Western Reserve lands are shown on the map. Also depicted is the border between the remaining…

Columbus Rapid Transit and Major Bus Corridors
Artist's Statement: Columbus is the largest city in the U.S. without rail transportation. Growing up in Gahanna, I was always fascinated by the possibilities for a rail system, and I’ve been exploring the idea for over a decade now. Even if this…

Historical Map of Ohio
A network of Native American trails, often following waterways, crossed Ohio and were later used as a guide for early roads established by White settlers. This map of Ohio by Don Leach depicts Indian trails, roads and towns in the state.

Conestoga Wagon on the National Road
The National Road reached Columbus in 1833 and was crucial to opening Ohio to settlement and trade. In this reconstructed photograph, two Black men travel along the road.

Old Worthington Inn
The Old Worthington Inn originally operated partially as the private residence of Rensselaer W. Cowles and his family in 1831. The building was eventually transferred to William Bishop, who was the first to operate it as a stagecoach inn and hotel…

Indian Trails and Towns Ohio Map
William C. Mills published this map in 1914 in the book Archaeological Atlas of Ohio 1914. Mills led excavations of Adena Mound, Harness Mound, Temper Mound and others.

Restored Toll House in Roscoe Village
After 1938, the federal government no longer allocated funds to maintain the National Road. In order to keep it in service, states such as Ohio would collect tolls from travelers in toll houses. This restored toll house is at Roscoe Village in…

Canals of Ohio map
Construction of Ohio and Erie Canal started in 1825 – leveling and clearing land, digging and puddling canals, and constructing 146 locks. The state paid contractors who were in charge of sections of the canal, who then hired laborers for…

Columbus Feeder Canal map
This section of an 1887 Sanborn map shows the Columbus feeder canal starting around West Main and Jewett Streets, just south of today’s Bicentennial Park. More than 1,000 people gathered at the Statehouse in 1831 to celebrate the opening of the…
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